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Ode to a Wonderful Life


“Because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing.”

Iler Woods believes in the simplicity of the holidays.

Thank you Frank Capra for this simple reminder that life is amazing in every aspect. As you know, Scott and I love the movie It’s A Wonderful Life. I think one of the many reasons why we enjoy this holiday movie is because the two main characters go through hardships, they have life changing moments, they sacrifice, yet through all the ups and downs, their love for life is unwavering.

The Iler family recently felt a little shaken up due to Covid striking our house. It was unnerving, we isolated and quarantined, and we even separated one of our daughters to keep her healthy. Over the course of the 10 days, I had a lot of time to think and reflect. With having one less family member in our house, I felt like we were incomplete.

Lately, I had taken for granted the running around to dance classes, swim practice, carting kids to and from school, and having time to chat around the dinner table.

It’s when you are stopped in your tracks and something is taken from you that you realize how important these little daily moments are.

In the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,'' towards the end of the movie George Bailey is debating if he really does have self worth on a cold, Christmas Eve. Everything has seemed to fall apart in his world. His business is about to go belly up, the stresses of four children, the old house continues to need repairs, and the list goes on. It seems like George just cannot catch a break.

But when he takes a step back, he realizes how life would be so different if he had not been in his small town.

It’s easy to feel down when life is throwing you lemons. I was feeling defeated with our entire family sick. I watched as the laundry built up, the dishes were overflowing, and the fact that I couldn’t help my girls because I was so sick.

And I was reminded so many years ago when my dad was sick, that all I wanted for Christmas was for him to be healthy again.

We may not have all the riches in the world, but more than anything, when we are healthy, I feel like the richest woman on Earth.

When I was finally out of quarantine and we welcomed Hannah home, my heart was so filled with joy. We were so excited to have her sit with us at the dining room table.

Life has continual challenges, but if you stop and look around, there is so much beauty in daily moments.

The fact that we are having a late Autumn in Southern California is amazing.
The fact that I can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner healthy as a family is amazing.
The fact that Scott continues to design and refurbish family heirlooms is amazing.
The fact that we have a network of support from friends, family, and the community is amazing.

So, thank you for your readership, thank you for your support, and thank you for believing in simplicity in 21st century living. We value you and our Iler Woods family is continually shown life’s daily blessings.

Iler Meadows believes in leaving a minimal carbon footprint. Organic potpourri from dried flowers and citrus from the garden. . .

We hope to meet you in person at the Holiday Market. Let’s celebrate each other and enjoy a night of good cheer this Saturday, November 26th!


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