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Do you believe in Magic?


When Scott and I first met 18 years ago, he told me he loved the holidays. I didn’t really believe that a guy could love the holidays as much as I do. I know, that sounds terrible and definitely not politically correct. I grew up immersed in the holiday spirit from September to December. And to be honest, the holiday spirit surrounded us throughout most of the year gearing us up for this magical time.

Scott and Erin Iler truly believe in the magic around us

So I took him to this store called Stats that was a holiday haven. Every room had a theme of different decorations from woodsy winter wonderland, to vintage Christmas, to a magical blue and silver themed holiday dinner table. My favorite room was the one where you had to walk through a little alcove, the lights were turned off and your eyes had to adjust to the lighting. Inside the room were all ceramic holiday villages that were lit up by twinkly lights.

As a child, I would study each little house or building and wonder how the artist created all of the intricate details. I imagined that I was a Christmas Caroler standing at one of the vintage buildings. With a child’s imagination, I was able to immerse myself into another time period.

When I looked at Scott in that room, I could see in his eyes that he felt that same magic. And that was when I realized that he truly did believe in the spirit of Christmas and the holidays. I knew then and I still believe today in the magic of this season.

With that being said, we went back and forth with what our theme is for the 2022 Holiday Market. We have many Holiday favorite movies. However, the timeless favorite is “It’s A Wonderful Life.” We still even have a VHS copy of this movie!

Iler Woods creating One of a Kind Reclaimed Wood Holiday Placard

So, in the spirit of George Bailey, Clarence the angel, and many other characters from this classic holiday favorite we chose some quotes that resonate with us. We invite you to read them and see how they speak to you.

“I want to live again” - George Bailey

“We’re still in business, we’ve got two bucks left.”

“Dear George,
Remember no man is a failure who has friends.
P.S Thanks for the wings.” -Clarence

“You want the moon, just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”

“Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings”

“Because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing.”

“All you can take with you is that which you’ve given away.”

Which one of these quotes speaks to you the most? They all strike a chord with me. I can pinpoint different moments in my life that each one of these phrases had such weight on my heart and my mind.

Look in your inbox, I plan throughout this holiday season to give you snippets of how we plan to truly embody “It’s A Wonderful Life.”

We can’t wait to see you at our 3rd Annual Holiday Market on Saturday, November 27th at Grey and Cash! It’s going to be a holiday event that you will not want to miss. We will be there with our artisan family from 3:30- 7:30 pm. If you can't make it, we will have all items on our on line holiday shop as well!

Remember to embrace this season! It only comes once a year!


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