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Ablaze in all Its Glory


My girls grew up reading The Berenstain Bear Books. One of our favorite ones is the Harvest Collection. The author starts the book by writing, “Bear Country was aglow in the setting sun. . Farmer Ben’s well kept farm looked especially fine, with its baled hay, corn shocks, and pumpkins . . . “ As a family, we would say that Bear Country was Ablaze in All Its Glory.

Iler Family relishes the autumn season in their home.

Autumn. . . that’s exactly how I feel when we take out the Fall decorations from the garage. This is our season.


And, in turn, our daughters have fallen in love with this time of year as well. Although they are 13 and 10 years old, they still giggle with delight when we take out the garlands, the variety of pumpkins, the handmade paper decorations, the kitchy autumn signage, and the list goes on.

I can’t believe that we have 7 large storage tubs filled with fall decor. It’s exciting and I truly feel connected to my past, my present and what is yet to be.

Pumpkins dazzle any piece of furniture . . .

As we played Halloween soundtracks while decorating, I reminisced about when the girls were toddlers and they would immediately rearrange the decorations, after we placed them up. This year, they took the lead and did most of the decorating. It was a moment that I just paused and watched. I am no longer in the lead, one step ahead. . . I am walking beside them.

Observing and participating in our family traditions, it truly warms my heart to see our family enjoy the sights and sounds around us.

Scott and the girls have the ideas on how to decorate the outside of the house, should it be spooky? Should it be filled with autumn glory? Should it have a camping theme? Let’s just say it’s a conglomerate of all of the ideas.

The saying “Less is more” clearly goes out the door when it comes to Autumn. We love to decorate every nook and cranny of the house, inside and out.

And, although I do not live on the East Coast and have the natural gift to see all the maple leaves changing colors, I do have one “Liquid Amber” that my mom gifted us when we purchased this old home. It was planted right at the south end of our property. She told us “It’s your little bit of foliage season.”

An Autumn rainbow

I am anxiously watching to see when that tree is going to start changing colors. It’s a reminder to me that good things come to those who wait. And, one small treasure is enough.

What are you anxiously awaiting? Is this your season? Is your season about to emerge?

My birthday is next weekend. Scott asked me, “What do you want this year?”

I honestly told him,

“I want to go to the apple farms in Oak Glen, eat apple donuts, and have a picnic with our family.”

I really don’t want gifts, I don’t want a huge surprise, I just want to be present with my loved ones. This is that one time of year, when everything seems like it is sparkling around me.

Enjoy this season. It only comes once a year, let it be Ablaze in All Its Glory, in your home.


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